Extending the process limits for further processing of rolled semi-finished products by analysing the cause-effect relationships during roller straightening
Year: | 2017 |
Funding: | AiF |
Duration: | 04/2017 – 03/2019 |
The aim of this research project is to develop a prognosis model for the description of relevant cause-effect relationships in the straightening process of steel and aluminium semi-finished products.
The further processing of rolled strips in forming or cutting processes requires a flat running-in state with controlled and homogeneous properties. These required properties are usually not given due to imperfections that occur during the manufacture of semi-finished products and transportation as coils. The straightening process makes it possible to flatten the incoming material and influence the sheet properties in a controlled manner by utilizing alternating bending operations. Since process-related inhomogeneities of the infeed material affect the material properties after the straightening process, a specific correction of the straightening process over the unwound semi-finished product length is necessary. By identifying all relevant cause-effect relationships, guidelines are to be derived within a forecasting model for plan straightening, which allow a maximization of the process limits in the respective subsequent production stage.