Technical Data / Equipment
- Resolution up to 900 nm
- X-ray source with 30-160 kV (suitable for high-density materials such as steels)
- Various objectives for different magnifications (0.4x, 4x and 20x)
- FPX flat panel for short measurement times on large samples
- Diffraction contrast tomography for crystallographic analyses of grain size orientation (LabDCT)
- In-situ module for tensile and compression tests including sample temperature control from -20 °C to 160 °C (Deben CT5000-Tec)
- Correlative workflow in combination with the Zeiss Auriga dual-beam system
Terms of use
The X-ray microscope was procured by the Institute of Materials Science (IW), the Hannover Medical School (MHH) and the Institute of Continuum Mechanics (IKM) as part of the DFG large-scale equipment initiative “High-throughput X-ray screening for materials development”. The application for measuring times can be found in the Nutzungsordnung.

30823 Garbsen